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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Mango Honey Chicken Stir Fry

Yowza! This chicken is the new best thing I've ever made. 
(That may change tomorrow but whatever...)

Chicken + Mango + Honey +OJ + Sriracha = DELICIOUSNESS at it's best!

   This started how most of my best stir frys do, I had some chicken that had to be cooked right at that moment, because it was teetering on becoming vile and a fridge full of random ingredients. I'm terrible about laying chicken out to thaw and forgetting it. I have ruined more than my share of meat that way. It is one of my greatest flaws. I'm working on that. Anyway, back to the stir fry... I often find that I don't have anything planned for dinner and I have three males whining, one of them is an adult but that doesn't stop him. These guys get HANGRY! I do my best work then. I pull out what sauce ingredients speak to me and load it full of veggies and try to make magic. This one isn't loaded full of veggies but with fruit this time. I can't believe I hadn't thought this combination before. 

Mango Honey Chicken Stir Fry
serves 6-8

2 lbs boneless skinless chicken
2 mangoes
2 red bell peppers
1 tablespoon oil, for frying
1 cup orange juice + 2 tablespoons reserved
1/2 cup honey
1/2 teaspoon sriracha
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon cornstarch

steamed white rice

Start by cutting your chicken into chunks. Next, cut the mango and bell peppers into pieces about half the size of the chicken. In a large skillet, over medium high heat, add the oil and saute the chicken until golden brown. Once the chicken has started browning, add the mango and pepper, stirring often. While that cooks, make your sauces, in a bowl whisk together juice, honey, sriracha and soy sauce. Once the chicken is cooked through and the mango and pepper are tender crisp, add the sauce. Bring to a bubble stirring often. Once the sauce has cooked down and everything is cooked through, this usually takes 3-4 minutes, stir together the remaining OJ and cornstarch, making sure there are NO lumps. Stir into sauce, allowing to cook 1-2 more minutes. The sauce will thicken and you are ready to serve!


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